Are you a real estate agent who wants a consistent stream of friendly clients?

(rather than sporadic closings and cold leads)


From the desk of Eric Thompson.

Fort Collins, Colorado

Dear Friends,


Let me ask you a question.  Are you the type of person who likes to try to figure out what you are supposed to do all by yourself and who likes the idea of doing all of the work on your own?  Or, would you rather...

Have someone show you what to do.

And even do some of the work for you?


If you like the idea of someone by your side, breaking this process down,

step by step, 


Then I have something for you to check out.


How about we work on this together instead of you trying to figure it out all by yourself?


Imagine having your whole business broken down into little bite-sized pieces,

  • With a logical timeline to follow
  • With someone to show you what to do
  • And someone to make sure you are on time

​​That would be pretty cool!



I’m offering you a monthly master class

I’ll show you exactly what to do whether you are a veteran or just getting started (without the pushy techniques taught in typical trainings).


If you cringe at the thought of buying cold leads.  If you sometimes worry and wonder about where your next closing is coming from.


If you would rather have your friends gladly refer you business.


I have something exciting to share with you...

But, out of respect for your time, we have to get something straight.  This is not for everyone.

This only works for the real estate professional.  This is not a fit for the part-time hobbyist who wants to get away with just dabbling.


However, if you are committed to real estate as a career, and taking great care of your clients, this is perfect!

With that said, I need to tell you a story.  When I started in real estate, the successful people who first stood out to me were the ones with enormous personalities.  You know the type.  The people who are larger than life who can get away with saying anything.


This freaked me out because I am not like that at all.  I have a pretty common personality.


I really don’t like to be pushy or salesy.  It makes my skin crawl.  So, I started looking for common people, like me, who were successful not because of their larger-than-life personas but because they treated people really well.


Good news - I found them.  Better news - I copied them and it worked!


So, for my whole career, I’ve committed to helping people with common personalities like mine who want to have a flourishing business, a balanced life, and who are repelled by the old-school tactics still being taught.

So, let me show you exactly what you are getting when you join...

  • Mastery of the 6 essential skills you need to best help your clients.

  • Specific coaching on the 6 different ways to attract business from your friends and close relationships.

  • How to simply position yourself as helpful as opposed to pushy, cheesy or salesy.

Each month you get access to a new master class with new content.  Each class has easy-to-absorb videos plus a printed workbook which is delivered right to you mailbox.

This is called the

Leading Edge Inner Circle

It gives you a master class delivered right to you each month.

So, let me show you exactly what you are getting when you join...

When you join, I’m also going to give you the 28 Day Challenge

Here are some examples of what is inside of the 28 Day Challenge:


  • Module 4 = I show you how to figure out which of your clients are most likely to refer business to you


  • Module 15 = I give you the template for your ideal week so you know where to exactly where to start


  • Module 21 = I help you create your scorecard which is the one piece of paper that will make your dreams automatically come true


  • Module 27 = I give you all of the checklists you will ever need to make your business run really efficiently

Basically I’ve done all of the thinking for you, you just

follow the steps.

The 28 Day Get Your Act Together Challenge is a modulated course that normally sells on our website for $597.


I'm going to give it to you for free when you join the Leading Edge Inner Circle.


The 28-Day Challenge is just one piece of the system.

When you join the Leading Edge Inner Circle you get the whole system.

You get live, interactive monthly coaching calls.  On these calls...

  • You hear from real people and how they are flourishing in this market so you can just copy them.

  • You get to figure out how to overcome your own challenges by hearing from other normal people who have done the same thing.

  • You will have something showing up in your calendar automatically that will motivate and inspire you.

  • Just bring your questions so they get answered immediately.

You also get the entire library of on-demand mini-lessons.

These videos are like having an instant on-call coach

  • You will have a solution to pretty much any challenge you will ever face.

  • Not overwhelming because it's not like there are 1000 videos inside of the library.

  • Super easy to absorb the information so you have the answer immediately.

For example, the on-demand videos will show you...

  • Exactly what to do and say if your seller client asks you to reduce your fee
  • How to handle your friend or neighbor when you find out they are talking to another agent
  • How to get your mindset back on track and re-focused
  • The formula for building balance into your life so you have more time with your friends and family

Sounding Good So Far?

When you join the Leading Edge Inner Circle you get...

  • The 28-Day Challenge

    So you can have someone help your get your act together in short order.

  • On-Demand Videos

    Get the answers to your most common challenges answered right away.

  • Live Coaching Calls

    Something in your calendar every month to keep you motivated and inspired.

  • Tools and Templates

    I give you everything that works so you never have to create something from scratch.

It’s really simple...

You just invest $87 per month to get everything

You basically get to spread out the cost of the 28 Day Challenge over a year, plus get everything else for free.  

Compared to how your business and life will change, this is a small amount of money.


It’s like buying dinner for two people.  For the cost of an average restaurant dinner, you get to reinvest into your business.


And you know what, when you make and investment like this, you significantly increase the odds of your success.

What this is, more than anything, is a community of people just like you

So, if you want the community and the coaching, go ahead and join.

  • Right after you join you will get the welcome kit and instant access to everything I’m telling you about here.
  • I’ll even take out all the risk
  • You can cancel at any time, no questions asked
  • You can even keep all the tools and templates that you download
  • To make this even better, if you don’t like it after 30 days, I’ll give you your money back
  • So, test drive it risk-free for 30 days, and then cancel any time, no questions


Full disclosure — there is work involved.  But it’s broken down into small pieces.  Plus, I stand against overwhelm so it’s never overwhelming.


Also — there is time involved.  Go ahead and replace time-wasting activities with this.  And use the time management skills I give you to make this really easy.


Isn’t it time you finally got your act together...

so that you can feel really excited about this business!


Let’s do this together.  Go ahead and join now.

© 2019 The Leading Edge Academy, LLC. All Rights Reserved.