© 2021 The Leading Edge Academy, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Eric Thompson - Founder, The Leading Edge Academy
Here's what I'm guessing to be true about you...
You want the perfect real estate career, you just don't know exactly how to do it.
You want to have clients who adore you, yet you sometimes worry about coming across as pushy or salesy.
You want to make extra money so you can fund your big dreams, but you're not sure if that is possible.
You want to feel organized and on track, meanwhile your life pulls you in a million different directions.
More than anything, you want the original vision you had for your real estate career to come true.
Listen, this is all completely possible
You can do it. You just need to know how.
I know you have a work ethic. I'm convinced you started your real estate career for all the right reasons. I'm quite sure you want to be successful.
You are motivated and driven. You have high standards.
You absolutely love taking care of people. You always put their needs first.
You're intelligent and insightful. You do what's right.
You already have everything it takes.
Yet, you sometimes catch yourself thinking, 'if I'm so smart, why hasn't this totally clicked for me yet?'
Would it be helpful if I showed you how?
Would you like me to show you how to have a fulfilling real estate business and a balanced life without any of the typical confusion or overwhelm?
I'd be happy to give you simple, step-by-step instructions broken down into little bite sized pieces so you can easily understand and then implement plans that actually work.
I'm known for making these easy. I'm recognized as someone who turns seemingly complex issues into simple steps to follow and easy words to say.
The phrase I hear most often from the people I help is, 'hey Eric, that thing you told me to do totally worked!'
So if you are really committed to a terrific experience for you, your clients, and your family, you are in the right spot!
This is completely different
You will not be told to buy leads.
You won't be instructed to knock on doors.
You don't have to hound your friends for referrals.
You will not be asked to change your personality.
You get to remain the wonderful, authentic person you already are.
I've got you. I've been helping people just like you for a long time. I'll only ask you to do what I know will work.
I spend my productive hours inside of a brokerage company. I see what is happening in the market. I hear first hand about what you face.
I am not detached from reality.
For years I've helped people to achieve goals they never thought were possible while never having to change who they are.
You already have everything it takes.
Click the button below to get started.
© 2021 The Leading Edge Academy, LLC. All Rights Reserved.