Check yourself on what you are telling yourself.
What you tell yourself about anything will likely determine the outcome of pretty much everything.
If you tell yourself you can't, you most likely won't.
If you tell yourself this won't work out, you will probably be right.
If you tell yourself you got this, you will.
Here's the thing...
You can tell yourself anything you want. It's totally optional.
Guess what, no one can hear what you tell yourself so you so you won't get in trouble, be judged or criticized.
What you tell yourself is just between you and you.
Choose the best words to tell yourself.
Pick something that will serve you.
Make sure it's believable.
Then test it with how it makes you feel.
If it makes you feel confident, empowered or inspired you know you are on the right track.
If it makes you feel worried, confused or weak you know it's time to pick something else.
Just answer this simple question...
What's the very best thing I could tell myself right now?