There's a better question that 'How can I make more money?'
Money is on the mind for a lot of my Realtor friends this time of year.
Not only are you spending a lot of money on presents, you are also thinking about your 2022 goal.
You've got your new year income target in mind.
You're thinking 'How am I going to do that? How can I make more money?'
It turns out there is a better question.
'How can I add more value?' is a better way to approach the new year.
This question gets the focus off of you and puts it onto your clients.
This question gets you thinking with creativity instead of scarcity.
This question forces you to consider what you can give instead of what you don't have.
So, how can you add more value?
How could you be even more helpful to even more people?
Money is simply the tangible evidence of value.
If you would like more money flowing to you, simply get more value flowing from you.
If you can provide incredible value in the new year, all of your money goals will come true.