What did you learn in 2020?
Based on what I personally observed, my biggest lesson is the drastic difference between checking in and checking out.
Those that checked in flourished. Those that checked out suffered.
Can you remember the middle of March?
Do you recall how chaotic and confusing things were?
We were bombarded with uncertainty. Fear was running rampant.
The world was a bit stormy to say the least.
So what did people do?
Some checked out. They went into hiding.
They went into their metaphorical cave and waited for the world to become less stormy.
Others stayed fully checked in. They checked in with their family and friends. They checked in with their clients.
They stayed checked into their routines and their morning ritual.
They were checked in with their purpose and mission.
They decided to step up and serve. They knew their role was to offer stability and clarity.
Their focus was contribution.
These people flourished. I know many who have had one of their best-ever years in terms of income and fulfillment.
Those that checked out suffered. They are not in a good place right now. Their health and mindset need to shift.
Here's the deal. We don't know what 2021 will bring.
And, by the way, we can say the same about any new year. We don't know what it will bring.
So, if the world gets really stormy again (and I realize that some may argue that it's pretty stormy right now)...
Stay checked in. Do not check out.
Fully check in to your life and the important people in it.